Challenge: USA 2

Desi, Tiffany, and Alyssa: Why are They the Returners?

Only three people from The Challenge: USA 1 are returning to USA 2. Why are they the chosen ones?

The Challenge: USA is coming back, and this time it will feature a mostly fresh cast that includes people from MTV, Survivor, Big Brother, and the Amazing Race. But, the show has a few people who competed on the first Challenge: USA season.

Specifically, Desi, Tiffany, and Alyssa Lopez are doing their second consecutive show. By nature, these seasons are super competitive to be cast on, so getting one of these coveted spots two times in a row means these three returnees are doing something right.

So, what’s so special about these three?

Desi Williams

I think the appeal of bringing Desi back may be the most obvious. She is a strong competitor — we saw this on Survivor and The Challenge: USA 1. But, she was ejected from the final because she was randomly paired with Enzo and he quit because of the swimming portion.

This was a very unpopular formatting decision, and it seems production knows this. So, Desi’s second chance is a great opportunity for her to show her potential and prove that the algorithm screwed her over last season, but she was prepared to win.

Alyssa Lopez

On season 1, Alyssa was eliminated shortly before the final, but in a sense, she accomplished her goal. She wanted to seek revenge on the powerhouse Cookout alliance because they betrayed her on Big Brother, and she did it. She was largely responsible for Xavier going into elimination, and this showed a vindictive, sneaky side of her.

This is likely why she was invited back. She did a great job bringing a storyline from her Big Brother season onto The Challenge: USA, and she was easily one of the more dramatic players that season. If production is looking for a sneaky competitor, she fits the mold based on USA 1.

Tiffany Michell

Of the three returners, this one is the most head-scratching. But, Tiffany is a huge personality and is bound to have some interesting moments on the show. On her Big Brother season, Tiffany was largely responsible for assembling and maintaining The Cookout. On USA 1, she was viewed as the glue of the Big Brother players and the one that would unite former houseguests.

Given the fact that MTV legends are coming into the game, we know the veterans are pretty good at building and maintaining an alliance (just watch Ride or Dies or Spies, Lies and Allies). Meanwhile, Tiffany has no connection to these people. She’s smart enough to assemble an opposing alliance, and she could cause friction on this season that makes it less predictable. Hopefully this works out for her, because she didn’t do so hot last season.

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