Challenge: USA 2

The Challenge USA 2: Top Players from Episode 8

Who are the most important players on The Challenge USA 2 episode 8?

It’s an individual game now. For some, this is great news. For other’s it’s time to be worried. Keep in mind, this is just a roundup of the most prominent Challengers, not a full recap. The full episode is up on Paramount+, so you can stream it over there.

10. Chris Underwood

Heat four decided to work together, and Chris fed answers to Josh in a “trust building exercise.” Josh didn’t win, but Chris extended an olive branch. Perhaps he might be a future friend to the Big Brother players.

9. Desi Williams

Desi finds herself in a position where she’s strong and could be a target. But, she makes a deal with Tori and Bananas to keep the strong players safe. After last season, she knows lay-ups can be detrimental in the final, and she’d rather not risk keeping them around.

8. Wes Bergmann

In Spell-Lunkers, Wes cracks the first code. He told the other three members in his heat that he’d help them out, but as soon as he figured it out, he kept the info to himself. He ended up losing the challenge, and his shady reputation is emerging, especially when he throws the sole female vote on Cassidy at the Hopper.

7. Michaela Bradshaw

After her Arena victory, Michaela is greeted by Bananas. He confesses that he was working with Tiffany, and her departure opened a spot on his roster. Michaela accepts it, and after Spell-Lunkers she cuts a deal with Tori that keeps her name safe from the direct vote. She seems to be sitting pretty in the game, because this was an easy week for her to survive.

6. Alyssa Snider

As the direct vote, Alyssa’s showmance Tyler decided to throw himself on the line. He advocated for a male elimination, and it worked. And, after a grueling game, Tyler won. So the showmance lives to fight another day — without their ally Monte — by Alyssa remains safe in the game.

5. Sebastian Noel

At Spell-Lunkers, Tori promised to help Sebastian. She didn’t, and he wasn’t mad because it was a “turn on.” Afterwards, he simped for Tori and join her during a night in while the rest of the cast went to the club. He got six balls at the Hopper, but he didn’t go into The Arena, so maybe his shomance did benefit him in the end?

4. Monte Taylor

It seems Monte’s alliance with Tyler and Alyssa couldn’t keep him safe. He received seven votes at the Hopper, and he was voted into Too Cool for Spool. He lost, and his departure leaves a vacancy in the Big Brother alliance.

3. Johnny Bananas

Spell-Lunkers was the perfect game for Johnny. He won, and he shared his power with Tori. At this point in the game, he’s feels like he wants to continue a divide between Big Brother and Survivor (though Tori insisted on voting in two Big Brother players), but Bananas is now cutting deals with Michaela, so he might continue working with castaways in the future.

2. Tori Deal

During Spell-Lunkers, Tori betrayed her “allies” and kept her answers to herself. But she posted a dominant time and became the daily winner. In that role, she made a deal with Desi, Michaela, and Chanelle to keep them safe. So, she sends in Alyssa and Tyler with Bananas. Part of this decision was to keep her budding romance with Sebastian safe, but it also seems she’s protecting Survivor in the process.

1. Tyler Crispen

After losing Spell-Lunkers, Tyler found himself as the direct vote with Alyssa next to him. He decided he’d encourage people to vote in a male, keeping Alyssa safe. It kind of works, but he ends up facing his “best friend” Monte in Too Cool for Spool. This means one member of the alliance, Monte, needs to go home, but Tyler and Alyssa remain in the game.

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