Challenge: USA 2

Did Tori Mess Up By Aligning With the Survivor Girls?

Tori has new allies, but will the be friends until the end?

After winning the first individual challenge, Tori had a chance to make a big move and nominate one of the strong Survivor girls. But she didn’t, and instead she made a deal with the “strong women” who are most likely to win an individual challenge.

If you’ve seen the main series, you know Tori’s core alliance consists of people like Aneesa and Kaycee — but they’re not on USA 2. So, she’s left to find new allies now that the other veterans have been eliminated (not that Amanda would help her anyway) and she can’t rely on people in blue jerseys to keep her safe.

The new goal: align with “strong women,” and those are the Survivor girls. Of course, they agreed this week when Tori’s in power, but their bond is much stronger than the newly-established deal that Tori made.

Starting next week, assuming Tori doesn’t win power again, she’ll be in jeopardy. So, would it make sense for the Survivor girls to go back on their word and target her?

Probably not. As it was alluded to in episode 8, Tori’s biggest asset in this alliance isn’t her strength — it’s her numbers. She brings allies in the form of Bananas and Wes, and these people aren’t likely to be direct competition to the Survivor girls. Rather, they could be strong partners in the final. After USA 1, Desi wants to keep strong men in the game to prevent a repeat of Enzo quitting.

For the next couple of weeks, Tori is likely to sit pretty in the game. As we approach the final, I wouldn’t be shocked to see Tori’s name be placed on the chopping block. Desi, Chanelle, and Michaela are smart enough to know that they don’t want Tori’s allies working against them, but if they can get rid of the competition at the eleventh hour, the opportunity may be too hard to resist.