Challenge: All Stars 4

The Challenge All Stars 4: Challenge History from Episode 9

All the old school moments to make Episode 4 of All Stars 9 make sense.

On All Stars, to understand the present, we need to look at the past. These are the moments from episode 9 that add context to the show. If you want to watch the full episode, stream it on Paramount+.

1. Averey’s Motivation

Averey finally opens up about her motivation for being on the show, and unsurprisingly, it’s her family. But, she is helping to support her brother and sister (and Daisy) because they don’t have anyone else. This is a throwback to Real World: Portland, when she discussed having to raise herself (and Daisy). While she’s continued to work and support her family, the money would be a huge help.

2. The Takeout

Once again, Nicole and Cara Maria are fighting — this time because Cara Maria is talking game with Steve. Their argument mostly references Kam’s move from last week, but when Laurel hears of the argument, she says it’s time to take Cara Maria out of the game. Laurel has done this before: once on Free Agents and once on Invasion.

3. Watered Down

At the Run the Plank challenge, Kam feels she can’t jump any more and she quits. She attributes this to her postpartum anxiety, but it’s uncharacteristic of Kam. She’s never quit a challenge before, but water challenges have always been a struggle. She almost got purged with Leroy on War of the Worlds 2 during Puzzling Swim.

4. Fighting With Love

At the nomination ceremony, Jay tries to convince Nicole that voting in Cara Maria could jeopardize Nicole’s star (exactly what Cara’s been saying), but Kam and Cara Maria are voted into elimination. Cara Maria tries to see the positive, because this means she could get a chance to finally defeat Laurel, but Ace acknowledges that the two girls have love for each other. We’ve seen this throughout the years on Rivals, Free Agents, and Invasion, but most of the time, we just see the bickering.

5. Leader in Kammand

Laurel ultimately decides not to go into elimination, even though she got the exact matchup she anticipated. So, it’s Kam vs. Cara Maria, and Kam feels Laurel went back on her word. While the two seemed to be getting along this season, they were on opposite sides the last time they were together on War of the Worlds 2. Kam gets a head start in the Caged In elimination, but Cara manages to pull out the win. While they’ve never faced each other in elimination before, Kam lost to Cara Maria on the That’s the Ticket redemption on Final Reckoning. Even then, she handled it in stride and claimed she lost to a legend.

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