Challenge: All Stars 4

The Challenge All Stars 4: Challenge History from Episode 10

All the old school moments to make Episode 10 of All Stars 4 make sense.

On All Stars, to understand the present, we need to look at the past. These are the moments from episode 10 that add context to the show. If you want to watch the full episode, stream it on Paramount+.

1. A Two-Decade Quest

Adam talks about his relationship with Steve, and the duo have known each other since their Road Rules season that was filmed in 2001. While that appearance was acknowledged, and the two won that show together, they also did The Gauntlet and Adam played a small role in Steve getting voted out.

2. Knowing the Ropes

During the Roll With It challenge, cast members are allowed to lasso from one station to another. This proves to be difficult for most of the competitors because they’ve never lassoed before. However, there have been challenges that required people to lasso in the past, and they were notoriously hard. One example was seen on the Laps of Judgement challenge on Rivals 3.

3. Stats and Stars

At the nomination ceremony, Adam kind of stabs Steve in the back by voting for his Road Rules cast mate. While the duo have a long history, Adam also points out that Steve placed in the bottom on seven of the 10 challenges so far. This is very reminiscent of Adam’s strategy on the Gauntlet. He continuously used these types of stats to send the same people like Sarah G. and Cara Z into The Gauntlet.

4. A Shady Elimination

Jay throws himself into the Shish Kestack elimination — his first elimination ever. But there’s one issue: He’s colorblind. We’ve seen other colorblind players in the past, and it never ends well. Syrus struggled with this during Connect em All on All Stars 1 and it led to AJ getting eliminated during the Challenge: UK final.

5. A Two-Star Betrayal

After winning in The Arena, Steve gets to take a second star and he steals Adam’s star to give to Ace. This is a bit of a shock, as Adam was one of his closest friends, and Adam takes the betrayal really hard. However, Steve isn’t known for maintaining friendships. On All Stars 2, he stabbed Katie in the back when he defied her wishes and sent her into The Arena against Kendal.

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