Real World Bad Blood

Can Mike & Jordan Become Official?

It seems like things are slowly heating up between Mike and Jordan. At first, Mike was open about his feelings, but Jordan shot him down. She said she wanted to get to know someone before she became involved. Over the past few episodes, it seems like they two have become increasingly close and there’s something going on between the two.


Mike and Jordan seem to be doing one thing many Real World couples hope to do: avoid the camera. We catch a glimpse of them “talking,”, or “dancing,” or “just lying in bed.” Once they notice the camera on them, they quickly separate. Usually when people try to avoid the cameras it’s for one reason: they have something to hide.

There’s clearly something going on between the two now. We could say they’re just hooking up, but this hook up is lasting for a while. It has been spread across multiple episodes and we only seem to see more and more shots of the two together.

Maybe they’re really just talking. Maybe they’ve become friends with benefits. Either way, it seems like they’re heading toward something more official. At this rate, I could see the two becoming and item. Of course, there is the possibility Mike is just playing Jordan. If that’s the case, it’s likely to end the relationship and cause these friends to become rivals.

What do you think? Would these to be good as a couple? Or should they end things before they become too serious?

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