Challenge: Ride or Dies

Did Olivia Just Reveal She’s Dating Horacio?

Have the rookies become more than Ride or Dies?

Olivia and Horacio have become the rookies of the year, but despite their “ride or die” relationship, they’ve never dated… or have they?

After a Super Bowl party, Olivia said she took home the biggest win, then she proceeded to post multiple photos and videos of herself and Horacio. They were holding hands and getting close, but that’s about as intimate as they got.

We do know that Olivia was single after filming Ride or Dies — at least, she wasn’t dating Nelson. Meanwhile, Horacio also seemed to be single. We saw him turn down advances from Laurel on the show because he was pursuing another girl at home. From the looks of it, that went nowhere.

So, they’re both free to do what they want, and despite the looks of it, I don’t think these two are romantically involved. It seems like Bud Light invited them to a party, and both went, and they hung out with each other (and Kyland). And I’m sure they had a few drinks while they were there, because it was a Bud Light-sponsored event.

I could be wrong, but it seems that these two becoming an item is just wishful thinking. Hopefully, they’ll respond to the rumor, but until they do, I’m going to assume they’re not dating.

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